Meeting Your Needs as We Cope with Covid-19

Aerosforce continues to monitor news about the evolving spread of COVID-19 around the world. Please note the following regarding our response to COVID-19: 


With daily – sometimes hourly – new reports coming out regarding COVID-19, we know that organizations must adapt quickly. As you assess the impact to your business you’re likely facing new challenges. Your Brand is here to support you. As a human capital expert, we understand that nothing is more important than people.

We’re happy to share how Your Brand and our partners are responding to the current situation, as well as discuss any challenges you’re facing to find a solution together. 


We know that it’s more important than ever to maintain business continuity in addition to the well-being of our consultants, clients, and internal team. That’s why we’ve built a plan to ensure our team can continue to deliver services in a remote setting and developed contingency plans for our business operations. Our goal is to continue to provide the resources you trust while reducing the possible risk of spreading COVID-19 among our communities. Here’s what we’ve done so far:

  • Work from Home: Our organization is now working remotely to help slow the spread of the virus. Our technology and phones are completely functional at our employees’ homes and we are seamlessly operating on a virtual basis. We’re ready to be 100% responsive to any needs that you might have.  
  • Flexible Work Schedule: We realize that some of our employees may have school-age dependents that may interfere with the ability to work remotely during a normal business day.  We have equipped our leaders with tools to manage coverage – maintaining business continuity for our clients – while giving flexibility to parents to care for their children. 
  • Non-Essential Travel: We have suspended all global and domestic non-essential travel and implemented remote activities as applicable. We will continue to assess our policies based on guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and local governments. 
  • Quarantine Protocols: We have implemented quarantine protocols to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees should they be exposed to, or contract, COVID-19. 
  • Consultant Requests: We have procedures to enable consultants assigned to our clients to perform their work remotely if necessary. We have been able to quickly accommodate client requests for remote work options.  
  • Consultant Communication: We continue to send updates via email regarding our policies and procedures directly to our consultants including an updated paid sick leave program.  Please connect with your recruiter if you have any questions.   
  • Client Communication: We continue to send updates via email regarding our policies and procedures.  Please connect with your representative if you have any questions.  

We will continue to update our response based on guidance from government and health authorities. If you have any questions or need any assistance of any kind, please let us know.